BACA Merchandise Help
Table Of Contents

  Click on a topic below to go to the help section for that topic.

  Category Tabs
  Creating Your Store
  Adding Images
  Maintaining Your Store
  Shipping Items
  Conclusion and Questions


With Merchandiser rights, the member will see these additional menu items:

The Merchandise page is where you'll create and maintain your store. The Shipping page is where you'll indicate items that have been shipped. The Merchandise Reports page is where you'll view reports allowing you to track your orders in various stages. The Merchandise Help page will display this help page.

The Donation & Merchandise area is divided into 4 tabs: Donations, Clothing, Pins & Patches, and Misc. There are two Donation & Merchandise areas, one's available on the internet side for public access and the other's located in the extranet for BACA members to purchase member only merchandise. The chapters control merchandise items for all categories except Donations.

To add merchandise, click on the appropriate tab indicating the proper category i.e. Clothing, Pins & Patches, or Misc. Click the Add New Item button to add an item.

Enter the item name, a brief description, the donation amount required to purchase the item, the shipping weight in pounds and ounces, and the shipping origination zip code. If there is no shipping charge, for instance if it's a sticker that can be mailed, enter 0 in both the pounds and ounces areas. If the item is for members only, place a check mark in the Members Only checkbox and it will display only in the extranet shopping area. If you are the National Merchandiser or an appointed assistant, you will have an additional checkbox to indicate the item is a National item. If the item is a clothing item, be sure to select the appropriate size and color checkboxes.

Once you've entered the information, click Save All. After the item has been saved, you can add an image. Click on "Click Here to Upload an Image" to open the image upload dialog box. Browse to the image then click "OK". Once the image is uploaded, click "Cancel" to close the window and refresh the browser. You should then see your image associated with your merchandise item. If not, refresh your browser and the image will appear. To view the full size image, click on the image. To delete the image, click on "Click Here to Delete the Image".

After adding merchandise, you can maintain it several ways. You can change any of the information that you entered previously including the image. To change images, delete the current image then upload a new one. If you are temporarily out of stock on an item and it might be some time before the merchandise shows up, you can place a check mark in the "Out of Stock" checkbox. This will remove the item from the store but will leave it in your merchandise area. When the merchandise is back in stock, just remove the checkmark and it will once again appear in the shopping area. If an item is permanently discontinued, you can place a check mark in the "Delete" checkbox. You can change multiple items and when done, be sure to click "Save All" to save your changes or your changes will be lost.

It's important to remember that PayPal will take a small percentage of the purchase price. Be sure to take this into consideration when calculating the price for an item. Shipping is calculated on a per item basis using United States Parcel Service (USPS) Parcel Post ground rates. For multiple items purchased, the weight is mulitplied my the number of items purchased prior to calculating shipping. If you use a different shipping method, you are responsible for any difference in shipping costs. On items where the shipping weight is 0 and no shipping costs are calculated, be sure to take into account both the PayPal charge and the mailing costs. If you wish to simply calculate the cost of shipping into any item's donation amount, set the shipping weight to 0.

Category Tabs

There are 3 category tabs, Clothing, Pins & Patches, and Misc.

The clothing tab is different from the other two in as much as it allows you to specify sizes and colors.

What ever sizes and colors you check will appear in the store. All others will be hidden. If you have a clothing item where one size fits all, then just leave all the sizes unchecked.

The Pins & Patches tab lets you group small items under their own category. This category might also be used for stickers or any other small items where shipping weights might be entered as 0 since these items would most likely be mailed in an envelop with a stamp. Keep in mind that mailing costs and PayPal charges could easily erode your profit. Be sure to calculate enough into the cost of the item to cover all costs.

The Misc tab groups together items that don't fit in either of the other two categories.

Creating Your Store

After selecting a category by clicking on a tab, click on the Add New Item button.

You will then see the following data entry area:

NOTE: Only the National Merhandiser will see the National Item checkbox. This will be hidden from chapter merchandisers.

Begin by entering an Item Name. For instance, "Bracelet". Then add a brief Description. For instance, "BACA logo on black leather". Note that your chapter name automatically appears next to your item in the store so there's no need to specify your chapter name in either the Item Name or Description.

Enter the Donation amount required to receive this item. This must be entered in #.## format without a dollar sign. Be sure to include any hidden costs such as the PayPal charge.

Enter the Shipping Pounds and Shipping Ounces. If the item is less than a pound, enter 0 in the pounds area and enter the ounces. If you plan on adding the shipping cost to the donation amount, enter 0 in both fields. Note that if a customer changes the quantity for an item, the shipping weight is multiplied by the quantity before calculating the shipping charge.

Enter the Shipping Origin Zip code. This is the zip code from which the item will be shipped. All shipping charges are calculated using the United States Parcel Service (USPS) ground Parcel Post rates. No provision is provided for other shipping methods. The USPS Parcel Post was chosen because it is ready available everywhere and ships to P.O. Boxes. For easy shipping, check out USPS online at:

If the item is for members only, place a check in the Members Only checkbox. The item will then show up only in the members Store inside the extranet. Note that members can shop both the internet and extranet stores and check out all items in a single check out. There's no need to shop in one store and check out, then shop in the other store and check out. Both areas integrate seamlessly.

If you are the National Merchandiser and you're creating the National store, place a check in the National Item checkbox. If you're creating your chapter's store, leave the checkbox empty. This enables the National Merchandiser to easily create both a National store and a chapter store. Note that National items appear at the top of both stores followed by chapter items in alphabetical order by chapter name. The name of the chapter automatically appears in the store so there's no need to add a chapter name to an item. By the same token, a National item will be indicated as a National item automatically in the store.

When you're done, click on Save All to save and add your item to the store.

Adding Images

Once you've saved your item, you'll see the following under your item:

Click on it to upload an image for your item and the following dialog will appear:

Browse to the image on your computer then click on OK to upload the image. Note that images are limited to 50 kilobytes per image. If your image exceeds this limit, you'll need to take steps to reduce the image size before it can be uploaded. Once you're image is uploaded, click Cancel to close the dialog box and refresh the Merchandise page where the image will appear with your item. If the image does not appear, you probably didn't click Cancel on the image upload dialog window. To see the image, click your browser's Refresh button.

Images are compressed to save room. To view the image full size, click on the image.

Once an image is associated with an item, you'll see the following next to your image:

Click on it to delete the image. If you want to change the image, delete it first then upload a new image.

Maintaining Your Store

Once you've created your store, you'll want to maintain it. First, you can change any of the information about one or more items. When you're done, click on Save All to save the changes to all the items you've changed.

There are also 2 checkboxes that help you maintain your store. If you're temporarily out of stock on an item, place a check mark in the Out of Stock checkbox and click Save All:

This will temporarily remove the item from the store but leave it untouched in your Merchandise area. When the item comes back in stock, you can simply uncheck the checkbox and click Save All for the item to appear again in the store.

If the item is no longer available and you wish to permanently remove it, place a check in the Delete checkbox and click Save All:

Shipping Items

When a customer selects one of your items and checks out, you'll receive an email notifying you of the purchase. Every member of your chapter with Merchandiser rights will receive an email. It's required that all members with Merchandiser rights maintain their valid email address in the Members area for this purpose. Failure to maintain a valid email address can result in the removal of your chapter's store. Though you'll receive a notification email when a purchase is made, it's important not to rely on the email system and to check the New Orders report often.

The New Orders report, available by clicking Merchandise Reports on the main menu, will list all orders not yet shipped with items grouped by order number. To make shipping easy, it's best to click the Print Report button so you have the information you need to ship the items at your finger tips.

As you ship your items, make a note on the report next to each item shipped. You can click on the Packing List button to generate a packing list for the order then print it out by clicking on the Print Packing List button. Once you've shipped the items, click on Shipping on the main menu.

The shipping page will list your items individually. This allows you to ship items you have in stock and ship other items temporarily out of stock once they come in. Using the report you printed out earlier, find each item that was shipped and click the Shipped button.

This is important as you will only be paid for items that have been shipped.

You'll also notice a Delete button:

The only time you'd click this button is if you've refunded the purchase amount to the customer. In reality, this should never happen since all items are traded for donations. However, this button allows you the flexiblity should it be necessary. When you click the Delete button, the following warning appears:

Click OK only if you've notified the customer and the National Treasurer so the money can be refunded. Clicking OK will remove the item from your order. It's important to make sure that all items in an order are either shipped or deleted so the order disappears from your shipping page and can be paid.


Reports are accessed by clicking on the Merchandise Reports main menu item. There are 3 reports, New Orders, Shipped Orders, and Paid Orders.

Unlike the shipping tools described in the Shipping Items area that lists individual items, all reports group items by order number making it easy to track your orders and keep an accurate history:

The New Orders report has already been described in the Shipping Items area so it will be skipped here.

The Shipped Orders report shows the orders that have been shipped but not yet paid by the National Treasurer.

The Paid Orders report will show completed orders that have been paid by the National Treasurer. Note that an order must be complete as well as paid before it will show up on this report. That means that, if there are any items that have not been either shipped and paid or deleted, the order will not show on this report. Therefore it's important to make sure all of your orders are complete. This report is also the only report that lists donations that have been paid to the chapter.

The Paid Orders report allows you to view paid orders in 3 different ways. The first allows you to view paid orders by current Year to Date. To view this report, select Year to Date from the Month drop down list then click Get Report. Note that the Year drop down list is disabled since the report deals only with the current year.

The second way allows you to view paid orders for a specific month. In this case, select the desired month from the Month drop down list and the desired year from the Year drop down list then click Get Report.

The third way allows you to view an entire year. This report would be used to compare prior year sales. To create this report, select Entire Year from the Month drop down list then select the desired year from the Year drop down list.


A user can choose to make a cash donation to any chapter or "All of BACA". Donations made to all of BACA go to National. Donations made to chapters will only show up on the Paid Orders report after the donation has been paid to the chapter by the National Treasurer.

Conclusion and Questions

All orders must be shipped in a timely maner to promote good relations with customers. Should an item take longer than 2 weeks to ship, the Merchandiser must send an email to the purchaser indicating the delay and approximate shipping date.

Items are exchanged for donations. Refunds are highly discouraged. Exchanges are at the discretion of the Merchandiser.

Any questions regarding merchandise should be directed to the National Merchandiser. Any questions regarding payments should be directed to the National Treasurer. All items listed must comform to any and all guidelines set forth by the National Board. Any item displaying a BACA logo, the words "BACA", "B.A.C.A." or "Bikers Against Child Abuse" must be approved by the National Art Director prior to being added to the area. The National Webmaster reserves the right to delete any item not comforming to requirements or as directed by the National Executive Board. Additionally, the National Webmaster reserves the right to terminate any Merchandiser's Merchandiser access rights for any violation or by order of the National Executive Board or chapter President. Bugs or problems affecting functionality of the area should be directed to the National Webmaster.