What are Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.) Inc.?
Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc. (B.A.C.A.) is a registered non-profit organization (in all
countries where we operate), tax-exempt organization that exists to provide aid, comfort, safety,
and support for children who have been sexually, physically, and emotionally abused. Our
membership is dedicated to the principle that one of the basic rights of childhood is to be safe
and protected, and when the child’s family or environment has failed them, we stand ready to
provide that support. B.A.C.A. is a strong organization of committed and dedicated individuals
who are willing to sacrifice all to protect and secure a child’s basic right to a happy childhood.
Why is there a need for B.A.C.A.?
B.A.C.A. was founded by J.P. (Chief) Lilly (deceased), a Licensed Clinical Social Worker,
Registered Play Therapist/Supervisor, and who taught part-time as faculty at Brigham Young
University. He was in practice for over twenty years, most of which was spent in the treatment of
abused children. He became keenly aware that while the system was able to offer much in the
way of helping children to heal, there were gaps that needed to be filled.
The two major gaps were: providing for the safety of the children and providing funding for their
therapy. Even with court involvement to protect children from further abuse with the issuance of
protective orders and removing perpetrators from neighborhoods, the perpetrators continued to
access and wound the children. It would be naive and misrepresentative to believe law
enforcement officials could protect these children from their perpetrators on a continual basis.
Furthermore, many children who are abused do not qualify for therapy funding because their
cases did not meet the basic requirements of the rules of evidence, and the cases are closed.
While it might be clinically evident that a child has been abused, that child might not qualify for
therapy benefits because he/she was too frightened to provide enough evidence for the case to be
pursued. Our Founder noted that children who feel safe are more capable of telling the truth
because the threats made by an abuser are offset by the presence of dedicated bikers who have
now become part of the child’s world.
In addition to becoming a presence in the life of wounded children, B.A.C.A. also provides for
the children by attending court proceedings and parole hearings with them, escorting them to and
from school or errands if necessary, and many other ways to ensure the children are free from
fear and can return to their previous level of adaptive functioning.
One of the greatest and most unique assets of B.A.C.A. for the children is its biker family
attitude. Bikers are a tight-knit group. The brotherhood/sisterhood and family values are not just
a way to live, but a way of life. “One for all and all for one” is not just a quote, it is our reality.
Children have an uncanny sense for honesty and trust. They can feel when they are being lied to
or deceived. When a large group of bikers rides to a child’s home to support and honor that child,
and the bikers tell a child that they do not need to be afraid anymore because the bikers are there
and will be there under any circumstances, the children feel the security of our ‘Bikerhood’.
B.A.C.A. understands that child abusers are cowards who prey on the helpless. After children
have been introduced into the B.A.C.A. family, they discover that they are not helpless or
powerless anymore.
How did B.A.C.A. start?
B.A.C.A. started as an idea to help one wounded child. This child was eight years old at the time
and was so frightened of his perpetrators he would not leave his residence. Our Founder, having
had kind and loving experiences with bikers in his youth, was moved to include this boy in his
biker circle. Within weeks, this boy was seen all over town riding his bike and playing with other
children. The idea to rally the biker community in defense and in support of children was
actualized in 1995 when the first ride was held to visit wounded children and bring them into our
biker family; that first ride had twenty-seven bikes present. From there, it was only a matter of
time before the word spread quickly about what was happening in Utah. Shortly after forming
the first chapter in Utah, another chapter was formed in Utah, then Oklahoma, Missouri, and
Texas, and the rest is part of the B.A.C.A. history. What was started as an idea was realized by
the dedicated and heartfelt love of bikers.
Who are the Members of B.A.C.A.?
First and foremost, the B in B.A.C.A. is for Bikers; that is who we are. We all share a common
love of the open road on two wheels and the brotherhood and sisterhood that can only be found
in the biker community. Professionally, members of B.A.C.A. come from all walks of life. There
are professionals, blue-collar workers, and everything in between. B.A.C.A. only discriminates
against one kind of person: child abusers. Everyone else meeting the basic requirements and
having the time, the commitment, and the energy are welcome.
What is required to become a Member of B.A.C.A.?
To become a full-patched B.A.C.A. Member, a person must have regular access to a motorcycle
that will do the speed limit. They must be 18 years old or older. They must submit to a full
background check approved by both B.A.C.A. International and their local authorities. They
must attend monthly B.A.C.A. meetings, rides, court hearings, other B.A.C.A. events, and ride
with the B.A.C.A. chapter for one year minimum. They are then presented to the governing
Board of Directors and must be unanimously voted in to become a Member.
What measures are taken to ensure that no child abusers can become members of B.A.C.A.?
All applicants must submit to and pass the highest-level government background check,
approved by B.A.C.A. International Inc. and local authorities, as well as local background
checks required by law as applicable. The background check provides advanced screening for
any crimes against children or domestic violence involving children. Also, during the first year,
B.A.C.A. Members evaluate the applicant’s character, trustworthiness, loyalty, and any potential
for concern. All applicants must be unanimously approved.
Do B.A.C.A. Members receive training?
B.A.C.A. conducts regular meetings and conferences, where Members attend sessions on issues
such as childhood trauma, the effects of abuse on children, effective means of communicating
with victims of childhood abuse, biker conduct with the children, and other topics relevant to the
safe and gentle implementation of our mission with the children.
How does B.A.C.A. protect its members from accusations of child abuse?
At least two Members are always present when meeting with a child. Not only does this give
better protection against false accusations, but it also gives our Members better insight and
interpretations to accurately assess the situation with the abused child. It also adds to the feeling
of security for the abused child by having multiple big friends around. Children feel the safety
and strength of our numbers when multiple Members are present.
How does B.A.C.A. receive referrals?
B.A.C.A. receives calls from parents, guardians, local authorities, child-care agencies, etc.,
informing us about potential referrals. Once we receive a call, we must then verify that it is in the
system as a case of child abuse. Sometimes calls come for situations that are not in the system,
and we instruct the people involved that any abuse must be reported to the authorities before we
can become involved. We give them directions as to whom to contact in their area. This not only
gets law enforcement and child-care agencies involved where needed, but it also weeds out the
false claims that we see from time to time. Some people incorrectly think that we are vigilantes
for hire; we are not.
For every potential case, B.A.C.A. Members must ensure the abuse has been reported to the
appropriate authorities. There are people who will try to take advantage of our Mission for their
own gain, but our kindness should never be mistaken for weakness. There are several ways to
obtain information to verify a referred case: police reports, court transcripts, medical records,
and, in some cases, interviews with family and friends. This helps the members involved in
making decisions regarding the case get a feel for all involved and quickly verify or rule out a
potential case.
How is B.A.C.A. received by the general public?
Because we are bikers, there are times when the uninformed may have understandable but
unfounded concerns about B.A.C.A. The media, Hollywood, and some unscrupulous authors
have helped to stereotype all bikers in a negative light. Because of these misconceptions about
bikers in general, B.A.C.A.’s image is sometimes harmed. To counter the misconceptions,
B.A.C.A. Chapters conduct and attend community events to meet with the public and answer
questions people may have. This not only introduces B.A.C.A. to the public to educate them
about who we are, but it also helps raise awareness of child abuse and demonstrates an extremely
effective channel through which the epidemic can be addressed.
Public presentations have also proven to be a very effective way for people to get involved in
preventing child abuse. Once people talk to us for a few minutes and get an understanding of our
commitment to children, they are generally very supportive. Over and over, we hear comments
such as, “How can I help? It’s about time somebody is really doing something, and I wish you
guys were around when I was a kid.” Public presentations not only introduce B.A.C.A. to the
public to educate them about who we are, but they also help raise awareness of B.A.C.A.’s
On the other hand, we are not especially popular with those who have been incarcerated for their
actions against children, nor are we popular with those who prey on children. We have made and
will continue to make enemies of those who harm children.
How is B.A.C.A. received by Local and State officials (Agencies) ?
B.A.C.A. is received well by and able to work in conjunction with local and state officials that
are already in place to protect children, to assist, when necessary, in delivering our Mission.
The willingness for B.A.C.A. to work cooperatively has fostered a unique working relationship
in support of our Mission of empowering abused children to not feel afraid of the world in which
they live.
Does B.A.C.A. support legislation that protects and helps children?
As an organization, we support any legislation that protects and aids children. B.A.C.A.
Membership: as voting individuals are free to vote in accordance with their best judgment.
Collectively we can (as voting individuals) have a great impact on current laws that fail to
protect or enforce protection for our wounded children. As individuals, we can support other
organizations that facilitate the lobbying of bills to the relevant government authorities.
However, B.A.C.A. does not have any political or religious affiliations.
How are B.A.C.A. chapters are presently funded?
B.A.C.A. is largely funded by donations from the public, corporations, other charitable
organizations, celebrities, private business owners, and other motorcycle clubs and organizations.
How are B.A.C.A. funds distributed and for what purposes?
Presently, most funds are raised and used by individual chapters. It has long been the philosophy
for B.A.C.A. to use monies in the communities from which they are raised. Primarily, funds are
used to provide the child with B.A.C.A. mementos such as a vest, patches, pins, a stuffed
B.A.C.A. bear (or other animal), a blanket, or a night light, to give the child a sense of security
and belonging. The vest has a small patch on the back that identifies the child as part of our
B.A.C.A. family. B.A.C.A. can also assist with therapy when children are left without resources.
B.A.C.A. collaborates with licensed therapists known for their expertise in working with
children, usually at a discounted rate for their services. The funds are also used to provide items
or activities that will help them move along in their journey of empowerment, allowing the child
to feel more secure in their environment.
Funds are also used for the purpose of program services and expenses which may include
telephone services, internet services, website, postage, office supplies, printing of brochures, and
other resources.
No one in B.A.C.A. is ever compensated for their efforts in B.A.C.A. 100% of all monies
donated is used to further B.A.C.A.’s mission of empowering abused children to not feel afraid
of the world in which they live.
Does B.A.C.A. have regular audits?
B.A.C.A. International Inc. is audited by an independent accounting firm annually. They also
have an internal treasury structure that conducts regular financial reviews of all state/chapter
accounts to ensure that generally accepted accounting practices are followed and that funds are
being used to further the mission.
What is the significance of the patch?
According to the founder of B.A.C.A. and the B.A.C.A. International Trademark Specialist and
originator of the B.A.C.A. patch, the following areas hold significance:
• Red represents the “blood shed by wounded children”
• White represents the “innocence of the children”
• Black represents the “dark times the child goes through”
• The fist represents “our commitment to stop child abuse”
• The skull and crossbones are the symbols for “death to child abuse”
• The chains represent “our united organization”