B.A.C.A. Int’l Rhein Ruhr Chapter
P.O. Box 250217
DE-40093 Düsseldorf
Helpline: +49 (0) 163 / 4428887
Mail to the Chapter President
Donations can be transferred to this account:
B.A.C.A. International Rhein Ruhr Chapter
IBAN: DE24 2704 0080 0755 5212 02
How to use the QR code to donate:
1. Start your banking app
2. Depending on the banking app, you can use the “Bank transfer” function or continue directly with point 3.
3. Select/open the option “Photo Transfer”, “Scanner” or similar designation
4. If necessary, select the option “QR Code” or similar designation
5. Scan the QR code
6. Enter the desired donation amount
7. For a donation receipt, add the following in the reason for payment: name, address, e-mail address
Note: We will be happy to send you an electronic/digital donation receipt, please note your name, address and e-mail address in the reason for payment.
Rhein Ruhr Chapter Meetings
Das Rhein Ruhr Chapter trifft sich jeden zweiten Sonntag im Monat um 11:00 Uhr.
Unsere Treffen sind öffentlich.
Vor einem Besuch empfiehlt es sich Kontakt mit unserem Secretary aufzunehmen.